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  • 医疗 & 多森州医疗保健学院

    作为医学职业培训学校, 多森的富通斯学院, AL offers healthcare programs in 医疗协助 and 制药技术.  这些都是很好的职业领域,富通教育将在你毕业时为你所选择的领域提供入门级就业技能.  事实上, 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)将医疗助理列为从现在到2018年全国增长最快的职业之一.

    另一方面, if you are interested in a career working in the 熟练的交易, 然后看看多森富通学院的制冷欧博app.  FORTIS 制冷欧博app培训学生安装, 维护和维修今天的加热和冷却系统.  你每天看到的几乎每一栋建筑都需要供暖, 通风 and 空调 service at one time or another.  美国劳工统计局报告称,暖通空调技术人员的前景在全国范围内都很好,这并非巧合.

    FORTIS College stands out in 多森, 阿拉巴马州 as much more than an average career college. 富通教师和员工是您教育的合作伙伴. 我们希望你能成功,为你提供优质的教育,然后在你需要我们的时候出现, 从你入学那天到你毕业那天.

    欧博手机版app下载, 我们为学生准备现有的和新兴的职业选择,为那些有愿望和纪律追求教育的人提供成长潜力. 无论节目的兴趣, FORTIS programs are designed to teach hands-on skills and provide specialized knowledge. 

    Our 多森 campus is just a short drive from Ozark, Fort Rucker & 岬.

    多森的富通斯学院, AL was formerly known as Capps College before joining the network of FORTIS Colleges and Institutes.


    在我们的技术贸易欧博app中, 你将学到知识和实践技能,这将使你在做你喜欢做的事情时有所作为. 我们的综合技能行业课程将传统的课堂教学与情境和实践学习经验相结合,为学生的入门级职位做好准备.

    根据美国劳工统计局的数据, healthcare and medical career opportunities are forecast to grow over the next decade, due in part to our aging population and increased need for healthcare. Fortis offers a variety of medical and healthcare training programs to help meet this need.
